Use Cases



  • Tracks inventory providing more transparency of the goods moving in and out. 
  • Scanflow barcode scanner offers enhanced AR overlay gives workers the handling instructions needed for assembly operations from their own smart device.


  • The goods entering the warehouse are scanned with a smart device like smartphones, wearables or drones and tracked throughout the process.
  • Scanflow barcode scanner scans multiple barcodes simultaneously enabling batch counting and quick product look-up in real-time. 


  • Scanflow creates a personalized shopping experience for customers by enabling scanning capabilities in their smart device.
  • It helps customers to look for product details, reviews, offers and discounts which reduces long queues at the billing section during check-out. 
  • Customers can simply scan items, add them to the cart, pay, and leave without any need for interaction.


  • Scans from any smart device from a distant place upto 8ft
  • ourstories-line
  • Scans barcodes at low light or semi-darkness providing accurate results
  • ourstories-line
  • Captures multiple barcodes at a time
  • Captures barcodes exposed to unintended materials or abrasions without causing “no read results”
  • ourstories-line
  • Supports a variety of high and low-end devices and any development platforms



How AI is Transforming Data Capture Across Industries

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Taking scanners to the Sky!  All you need to know about Drone Scanning

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QR Floating