Tire Sidewall

Streamline Tire manufacturing: How Scanflow helps in Cost Reduction and Workforce Productivity!

Effective inventory management is critical for tire manufactures to ensure smooth operations, reduce costs, and optimize production. The incorporation of Scanflow into backend systems such as manufacturing execution systems is a critical component in achieving efficient inventory management. Scanflow has the potential to transform the way tire manufacturers track and manage their inventory.

Scanflow is an AI scanner on smart devices for data capture and workflow automation that helps tire manufacturers in inventory tracking and management. When new tires are manufactured, Scanflow scans unique identifiers such as serial numbers, DOT numbers or barcodes and updates in the inventory database. This initial step guarantees that each tire within the system has a unique identity, making it easier to track and manage them throughout their existence.


As the tires progress through the manufacturing and process, Scanflow continuously updates the inventory system in real time. This provides manufacturers with immediate visibility into stock levels and locations, eliminating the need for manual tracking and reducing the chances of stockouts or overstocking. By automating these processes, tire manufacturers can streamline their supply chain operations and improve overall efficiency.

These real-time visibility into stock levels and locations allows manufacturers to make data-driven decisions regarding production planning and order fulfillment. With accurate and up-to-date information, they can optimize inventory levels, ensuring that they have enough stock to meet demand without excessive storage costs. This leads to better resource allocation and increased profitability.

The decrease of inventory-related errors is another key advantage of incorporating Scanflow into the backend system. Human errors, such as incorrect data entry or misplaced items, are common in manual inventory tracking. These errors might result in incorrect stock levels, delayed shipping, and unsatisfied customers. Scanflow reduces the likelihood of such errors by automating the inventory management process, ensuring data accuracy and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Moreover, Scanflow provides real time capabilities where manufacturers can get visibility on inventory levels, movement patterns, and other metrics. These insights enable them to identify areas for improvement, optimize storage utilization, and enhance overall supply chain performance. By having access to actionable data, manufacturers can make proactive decisions to mitigate risks and address potential bottlenecks.

The integration of Scanflow into the backend system is a game-changer for tire manufacturers in terms of inventory management. By automating inventory tracking processes, Scanflow enables real-time visibility into stock levels and locations, minimizes inventory-related errors, and provides valuable analytics. These benefits contribute to a streamlined supply chain, optimized production, and increased workforce productivity. The tire manufacturing industry is becoming more competitive and embracing technologies like Scanflow becomes essential for staying ahead and thriving in the market.


Retail Indoor Navigation

Retail indoor navigation guides shoppers with a personalized and convenient shopping experience. It collects valuable data that retailers can use to improve the overall shopping experience. Retail indoor navigation provides shoppers with directions and guidance within a physical retail store or shopping mall. This technology can take many forms, including mobile apps, digital maps, and in-store kiosks.

Retail indoor navigation provides a real-time map of a store and captures data that gives product information. With an AR-enabled app, customers can navigate through the store and see an overlay of the store’s layout and product information.

Retail indoor navigation locates the user’s position within the store and displays a virtual map of the store on the screen. The app also uses the device’s camera to capture data on customer behavior. Retailers can use this data to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to optimize their store layout and product placement.

Retail indoor navigation provides a more personalized and efficient way to navigate through stores. Customers can quickly and easily find the products they are looking for without having to search through the store themselves. AR also provides an engaging and interactive experience, making shopping more delightful.

Retailers can use the data collected from the app to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing them to optimize their store layout and product placement. Retailers can also use the app to provide personalized offers and recommendations based on customer behavior.

Retail indoor navigation is a transformative technology changing the ways we shop. By providing customers with an efficient and engaging way to navigate through stores, retailers can improve the overall shopping experience and increase sales.


5 Benefits of computer vision in Manufacturing Industries

In today’s fast-paced industrial world, the need for automated solutions has become crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. Computer vision is one of the key technologies that have been gaining popularity in recent years. Computer vision is a field of study that deals with how machines can be taught to interpret and understand images or videos. This technology has many applications in various industries including manufacturing, retail, logistics, Healthcare, and automotive aftermarket.

  • Increased efficiency: By automating repetitive tasks such as inspection, sorting, and assembly, computer vision can help manufacturers increase production rates and reduce costs associated with manual labor.
  • Increased accuracy: Computer vision systems can identify and track items more accurately than humans, reducing tracking and inventory management errors. This can improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs associated with lost or misplaced items.
  • Real-time monitoring: Computer vision provides real-time monitoring of manufacturing processes, helping manufacturers to identify and address issues as they arise, rather than waiting for a final inspection.
  • Improved safety: Computer vision can be used to monitor warehouse and transportation environments for safety hazards such as spills, debris, and potential collisions. This can help prevent accidents and reduce the risk of injury to workers.
  • Enhanced customer experience: By using computer vision to track and manage inventory, logistics providers can offer faster and more accurate delivery times, which can improve the overall customer experience.


Enhancing warehouse management with Scanflow Intelligent Data capture!

Intelligent data capture is revolutionizing warehouse management by leveraging advanced technologies to automate the collection, processing, and analysis of data within the warehouse environment. This innovative approach streamlines inventory management, enhances accuracy, and improves operational efficiency.

By incorporating Scanflow in smart devices such as smartphones, tablets, drones the products can be easily tracked and monitored throughout the facility. When items arrive at the warehouse, they are assigned unique codes that contain essential information such as item details, quantities, and locations.

Warehouse workers can simply scan the barcodes to capture this information, eliminating the need for manual data entry and significantly reducing the risk of errors. Scanflow not only speeds up data capture but also enhances accuracy, enabling faster and more reliable inventory management.

Scanflow allows for rapid and simultaneous data capture of multiple items with batch scanning facility. This real-time visibility enables warehouse workers to track and locate inventory as it moves throughout the facility. Scanflow has various advantages in terms of speed, accuracy, and efficiency, particularly in large-scale warehouse environments when compared to dedicated scanners.

Scanflow is powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, computer vision, that identifies and captures product information and extract details such as product labels, serial numbers, or SKU codes.

This technology offers automated data capture, reducing reliance on manual processes and minimizing human errors. Furthermore, Scanflow can detect anomalies or discrepancies, such as damaged goods or misplaced items, and promptly alert warehouse personnel, improving inventory accuracy and reducing losses.

Scanflow can be seamlessly integrated with any ERP or Warehouse Management Software for a simplified warehouse operation, enabling efficient data exchange and real-time insights. This provides comprehensive inventory tracking, order fulfillment, and demand forecasting capabilities. By capturing and analyzing data, businesses can identify patterns, optimize storage layouts, and streamline workflows. Moreover, the captured data can be used for data-driven decision-making, allowing businesses to respond quickly to changing market demands, optimize inventory levels, and improve overall operational efficiency.

  • Streamline inventory management processes.
  • Higher accuracy, reduce errors, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Real-time visibility of inventory enables faster decision-making.
  • Improved order fulfillment and customer satisfaction.
  • Drive cost savings and enhance productivity.

Scanflow intelligent data capture solutions transform the way warehouse operates. It automates data collection, enhances accuracy, and optimizes operational processes, resulting in improved inventory management and operational efficiency.

By leveraging intelligent data capture systems, businesses can achieve real-time visibility, reduce errors, and make data-driven decisions for efficient warehouse operations.


Smart Data Capture with Drones – Everything you need to know about Drone Scanning

Drone scanning is a relatively new technology that can potentially revolutionize the scanning industry. Drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras that can capture detailed images and data from above. Drones can cover large areas quickly and efficiently that can access areas that are difficult or dangerous to reach by traditional data capture methods. They can also collect data with a higher degree of accuracy and detail than traditional methods, which can improve the quality of data capture.

Drone scanning involves using drones to capture images and data from above. The drones are then flown over the area of interest to capture images and data from different angles and orientations. This data is then processed to create detailed 2D and 3D models of the area being scanned.

  • Benefits of Drone Scanning
  • Time and Cost Savings: Drone scanning can save time and money compared to traditional scanning methods. Drones can capture data much faster, allowing for quicker data analysis and decision-making. Additionally, drones can access areas that are difficult or dangerous for humans to access, eliminating the need for costly equipment or manpower.
  • Increased Safety: Drone scanning eliminates the need for human workers to access dangerous or inaccessible areas. This reduces the risk of accidents or injuries in the workplace.
  • Improved Accuracy: Drone scanning can produce highly accurate 2D and 3D models of the area being scanned. This level of accuracy can be used to identify potential issues or areas of concern that may not be visible with traditional scanning methods.
  • Versatility: Drone scanning can be used in a variety of industries, including construction, agriculture, inventory management and more. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for businesses in a wide range of fields.

Drone scanning is a powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionize the scanning industry. With its time and cost savings, increased safety, improved accuracy, and versatility, drone scanning is a valuable tool for businesses in a variety of industries.

New Launches

Taking scanners to the Sky- All you need to know about Drone Scanning

In today’s world, drones have progressed as a technological headway that helps businesses to utilize them in building capabilities. The advancement in artificial technology and computer vision has created new ways of adopting drone technology in the business process. The applications of drone scanning vary and cover a wide range of industries such as agriculture, field services, and inventory management.

However, there is still a significant opportunity for other industries and technology companies to implement drone scanning to save costs and improve efficient workflows in their enterprise.

Industries are already shifting toward software-based scanners for efficient automation of their workflow process. Unlike conventional scanners, software scanners can be integrated into any existing smart device such as smartphones, tablets, wearables, drones, etc. They have the capability of transforming any smart device into an enterprise-grade scanner.

In certain scenarios of scanning, workers need to scan items placed on high shelves which require some external support such as a forklift or reach truck with which the workers have to manually scan the stocks and inventory. This procedure is time-consuming, expensive, and dangerous to workers handling it. Drone scanning is a game-changing solution for scanning products and pallets in warehouses. The drone captures data from text, barcodes, or any other object and provides the workers with real-time insights. Drone scanning has the ability to capture high-quality videos from aerial angles at any orientation.

Some of the use cases of drone scanning are farm surveying, tower inspections, and stock counting in large warehouses. These applications are gaining popularity, and help businesses to save money, improve safety, and produce quality results. Drone scanning requires less labor, reduces workforce hazards, and saves time and money.

Scanflow is an AI scanner on smart devices that captures data and automates a variety of industrial operations. It intelligently captures data from any text or object providing real-time information from it. Scanflow SDK works on mobiles, wearables, or drones and runs on a variety of operating systems such as iOS, Android, and frameworks like Xamarin, React Native, and other third-party systems. Drones can be seamlessly integrated with any enterprise and warehouse management system that can be accessed across multiple locations.

Drones help scan from places where workers cannot access them and provides instant information on the product or items being scanned without any errors. Drone scanning will act as an excellent method of liberating workers from potentially hazardous situations and the scanning can be completed without any human support from a safe distance.


Delight your retail customers with Self-checkout!

The Retail industry has drastically shifted towards implementing innovative solutions by deploying empowered technologies to optimize their store operations. Self-scanning & Self check out options allow customers to access all retail products, making shopping convenient with fast and accurate scanning from their own devices. This will hugely save labor costs, streamline store operations, and improve employee efficiency. By turning smart devices into enterprise-grade scanners, Scanflow helps to seamlessly collaborate in-store operations for customers and employees.

Though people are shifting towards online shopping, they still miss the personalized shopping experience that online can never provide. It becomes difficult for retail enterprises to deliver personalized in-store experiences to their customers.

In such cases, customers look for flexible options for in-store shopping like Self -scanning contactless checkout, and payment. This creates a lesser chance of getting encountered by staff and other shoppers. The greatest challenge of brick-and-mortar retailers is to make customers free and safe from long waiting lines during the billing process. In addition to that retailers should also ensure that customers are provided with convenience. A simple and reliable solution to this is providing customers with scanners integrated into their own devices.By integrating high-performing scanners in smart devices, shoppers can shop around the store, scan the products they want, make payments, and leave the store without any inconvenience. This will improve the consumer experience, making shopping more convenient and safer. Scanflow helps retailers to bring innovations in brick and motor stores with Scan and Go & Self-scanning of products.

When a customer are shopping in a physical store, Scanflow provides them with access to product information, offers, reviews, and product locations with the help of AR overlay from their smart devices. Scanflow barcode intelligent text scanners make the shopping and check-out process delightful for customers.

Barcode Scanner App Development in USA - Scanflow

1. Easy integration: Easy to use and integrate with enterprise applications, offering high-performance scanning even in low lighting conditions, on damaged barcodes, scanning at a distance, and from different angles.

2. Driving Innovation: Serves to be an innovation platform in enterprise-grade scanning that will help mid and large retail enterprises to optimize store operations. It can be integrated with drones and wearable devices for seamless operation.

3. High Performance: Offers superior performance with high scanning accuracy making lives much easier for customers & employees in retail industries.

Scanflow is simple to deploy, quickly scans in no time, and produces reliable results. Shoppers can use their own device- bring your own device (BYOD) by accessing in their respective retail apps for picking and scanning products. It reduces the time of waiting in long queues for checkout. With these reduced touchpoints, the customer feels well engaged in stores by getting an eventful shopping experience.

ID Scanning

Digitization of the Healthcare industry with Intelligent data capture

Automation has become a sought-after solution for industrial processes. The era of automation has revolutionized every sector implementing its adoption in workflows. The Healthcare industry is being revamped by automation for delivering seamless and quality patient care. It mitigates human errors resulting in high efficiency of medical services and administrative operations.

With increased technological improvements and advanced procedures, it is necessary to stay competitive by integrating digital technology into everyday processes more efficiently.

Healthcare organizations face difficulty in managing patient scheduling and appointments manually. Patient registration is a major task for clinicians and many hospitals rely on manual efforts for the entry of patient details which are often prone to errors, and long tiring hours of manual entry.

A smart automatic solution is required to perform the registration tasks and simplify most of the repetitive work.

Artificial intelligence is a dominant tool and is being utilized for various workflow management solutions. A recent survey showed that nearly 90% of healthcare organizations use AI and automation strategies to automate their workflow processes.

AI solutions help healthcare workers perform tasks automatically without much human intervention. Software-based data capture tools help industries efficiently automate workflow processes by integrating them into smart devices.

Scanflow is an AI scanner for data capture and workflow automation for industries. Scanflow captures any form of data from Texts, IDs, Numbers, Barcodes, and QR codes. It provides the user with instant real-time insights from the data captured.

Scanflow helps healthcare workers scan their patient’s National ID cards and retrieve patient information such as name, DOB, address, and contact details which are needed for the admission process. Scanflow ID scanning software hugely saves time and improves patient care and safety.

Once the patient’s details are registered, they will be given unique ID codes that they have to carry during subsequent visits to confirm their identity. This process helps in easy appointment scheduling and knowing the patient history and medication details.

Scanflow ID scanning SDK can be easily integrated with any smart device or existing enterprise application. It supports multiple operating systems like iOS, Android, Reacts Native, and Xamarin.

  • Simplifies and automates workflow operations
  • Scan in any challenging conditions with high accuracy
  • Increases the mobility & productivity of healthcare workers
  • Improves patient safety by reducing the long waiting queues.
  • Can be easily upgraded from any development platform

Scanflow supports workflow operation with innovative digital technology for automation by meeting the requirements of efficient healthcare services. Eventually, it results in the patients receiving quality care and workers being liberated from intensive front-end tasks. Scanflow helps enterprises by giving the existing smart device the power of data capture and transforming them towards automated solutions.

ID Scanning

3 ways to empower the workforce with Smart ID scanning

ID scanning involves the process of collecting information from identity documents and converting it into a trackable, valid digital format. In today’s fast-paced world, ID verifications that rely on manual data entry and paper inspections are becoming time-consuming processes. When ID scanning is at issue, security is considered to be one top concern for businesses and customers as it includes most of the basic details. The technology of ID scanning has gone through drastic progress and has transformed from manual entry to digitally capturing data from them.

Smart ID scanning will help enterprises to capture identity data more quickly and accurately from their smart devices. This process reduces delays, disruptions, and human errors. Many industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and retail are relying on technology to integrate ID scanning capabilities into their operations that interact with customers and employees.

Scanflow offers a high-performing ID scanning SDK that can be integrated into any smart device and capture information from identity documents. It can be used to speed up any onboarding and security process by providing instant scanning results from your smart devices without the need for any external device. Even without an internet connection, one can scan IDs from any location. This will prevent time-consuming activities like manual data entry.

Scanflow ensures a safe and secure scanning solution that works for any identity documents like National IDs, Passports, Visa documents employee & customer cards.

Scanflow ID scanning SDK works on native mobile apps, web browsers, or any enterprise framework that helps to digitalize and automate procedures.

How ID scanning empowers the workforce?

One best things about smart ID scanning how simple it is for workers to perform precise scanning right from their most familiar device. Speed and precision are necessary for the best experience in any ID scanning use case. The scanning needs to function on a variety of gadgets under real-time conditions.

Scanflow works from any distance and at odd angles, capturing damaged texts or in poor lighting conditions.

Workers using Scanflow ID scanner does not require any special training for handling them.

In certain scenarios where workers have less knowledge of using specialized technologies may find it difficult to cope with advanced procedures. Scanflow functions on practically all smart devices including smartphones which implies that workers will have a substantially less learning curve.

More importantly, since scanning is a simple process, you can integrate it into your enterprise workflow operations without wasting time or money teaching workers to use it.

Smart ID scanning technology captures information from identity documents and provides instant real-time results from them. This will enhance the data quality and provide a safe way to manage ID data.

Scanflow saves the time of workers from manual data entry, reducing repetitive tasks and making them more productive at work. This helps enterprises to uncover ways to conserve resources or optimize processes.

Smart ID scanning is being employed in various verticals for patient registration, employee onboarding, KYC process, Passport scanning, and retail self-checking.

Smart ID scanning does not stop with just capturing data, it streamlines the process, boosts worker engagement, and enhances the workflow automation process.

ID Scanning

Enhance the KYC process with Scanflow ID scanning software

Identity verification has increasingly become a standard practice in many firms. Businesses need a mechanism to verify that their existing or potential customer with the KYC process i.e Know Your Customer. This is common in many various sectors, including banking, telecommunications, travel, retail, and more. The Manual KYC verification process has increased instances of identity theft and fraudulent hacks, inaccurate data, and lengthy onboarding process.

This increased reliance on mobile technology has paved the way to adopting smart KYC processes in firms that capture customers’ IDs and retrieve their personal information right from their smart devices. This process is quick, more secure, and lowers error rates.

Scanflow smart ID scanning software makes the KYC process simpler and paperless while capturing data from customer IDs with high security along with the ability to capture data without the need for an Internet connection.

Automated data extraction helps banking and financial services can collect the necessary personal data while interacting with consumers in a faster, more convenient manner. Mobile and digital processes have seamlessly become a part of everyday life and ubiquitous devices like smartphones help workers and customers to carry out operations more efficiently from their familiar devices.

Scanflow high-performing ID scanning SDK can be integrated into any smart device and capture information from identity documents. Scanflow ensures a safe and secure scanning solution.

Scanflow ID scanning SDK works on native mobile apps, web browsers, or any enterprise framework that helps to digitalize and automate procedures. It reduces the threats of identity fraud and data breaches and provides a secure customer onboarding process.

3 ways smart ID scanning supports KYC process

With smart ID scanning the data collection process is streamlined by lowering the difficulty users have updating or submitting their personal information. It provides cleaner, more precise data that satisfies the regulators. ID scanning improves the data quality and lowers error rates, making monitoring systems more reliable.

Built with AI-powered technology, Scanflow ID scanning software is much more accurate at identifying and categorizing data in real time. It works in any challenging environment and is never stressed out, unlike manual processes. It serves as an ideal solution for banking and financial services that would extract crucial data points from identity documents while maintaining high accuracy levels.

Smart ID scanning engages customers with quick and more convenient interactions while collecting necessary personal information. This quick process makes customers to be relieved to have avoided standing in a long line at the branch which saves them time.

Smart ID scanning is all made possible by a single user-friendly mobile solution, providing clients and end users with a higher level of protection. The most significant benefit of all is that it establishes trust and solidifies the crucial relationship between businesses and individuals.

QR Floating