func captured(originalframe: CVPixelBuffer, overlayFrame: CGRect, croppedImage: UIImage)
This method intimates that the session that will capture session..
func capturedOutput(result: String, codeType: ScannerMode, results: [String]?, processedImage: UIImage?, location: CLLocation?)
This method intimates that the session that will capture session..
func locationAccessDeniedAlert()
This method intimates that the camera permissions have been denied.
func presentCameraPermissionsDeniedAlert()
This method intimates that the camera permissions have been denied.
func presentVideoConfigurationErrorAlert()
This method intimates that there was an error in video configuration.
func sessionInterruptionEnded()
This method intimates that the session interruption has ended.
func sessionRunTimeErrorOccurred()
This method intimates that a session runtime error occurred.
func sessionWasInterrupted(canResumeManually: Bool)
This method intimates that the session was interrupted.
func showAlert(title: String?, message: String)
This method intimates that the session that will capture session..