Every industrial workflow process includes data capture technology to ensure a smooth operation. The process of data capture once required a lot of labor power to record to store data manually.

Over the years, the technology used to capture data has seen a significant transformation, moving from large, fixed scanners to high-performing software solutions on smart devices that are easily accessible.

The future developments in data capture technology have evolved and all the data capture processes are becoming automated. The omnipresent nature of smart devices has given ample opportunities to industries to provide their employees with mobile applications to ease their work process which will foster the levels of employee involvement.

Computer vision, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) based data capture tools helps in industrial automation. Computer vision technology has configured algorithms to help manufacturing industries identify errors, perform tasks quickly, and avoid safety issues that increase process efficiency and improve product quality. With the use of computer vision, we can learn how to alter and extract data from images or objects. It helps systems to comprehend the data inputs better and provide accurate results. In addition to manufacturing, it is widely employed in a variety of other sectors, including the automobile, utility, and energy industries. By 2030, the computer vision market is anticipated to grow to $41.11 billion. (Allied Market Research, Jan 13, 2022).

The implementation of smart data capture in enterprises will empower business processes by providing them with real-time data from their smart device that can be deployed into any enterprise ecosystem.

With the development of software-based scanning on smart devices and wearables, manufacturing industries have included cutting-edge tools for their employees. This makes it possible to scale up the decision-making process, engagement, and workflow automation and thereby becoming a competitive edge in the market.

Scanflow is a software-based, enterprise-grade scanning technology that can be deployed in any smart device and capture any type of data from barcodes, IDs, Text scanning, Object scanning, and Safety codes in any external environment. Built with computer vision technology, Scanflow intelligently captures data and delivers real-time insights from it. It facilitates the workflow process in manufacturing industries ensuring a high level of effectiveness by lowering cost and human intervention.


  • Automates and re-engineers end-to-end process
  • Reduce operational costs, time, and manual errors
  • Performs a variety of operational activities from a single smart device
  • Brings in digital transformation to inventory management
  • Enhanced user experience and employee satisfaction

Smart data capture solutions provide high-quality outputs, increase production rates, and lowers operating expenses in manufacturing industries. Additionally, it increases revenue and has a good effect on the bottom line. Industries utilizing the maximum potential of smart technologies will be benefiting greatly from it.

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