Automation has become a potential solution for manufacturing industries that helps them to enhance workflow processes and simplify procedures. The industrial revolution 4.0 has paved the way for adopting technological innovations into workflow operations.

Manufacturing industries dealing with tires are facing challenges with manual tire reading and data collection. Most of the workers dealing with tire services rely on manual data entry for getting tire information. Manual tire data collection is time-consuming and causes frequent errors with precision. The errors are caused as the tires are kept in adverse external environments such as low lighting, grease, and dust which makes it difficult for workers to collect the information manually.

Scanflow Intelligent text scanning can be integrated with everyday smart devices that make the data collection process easier and more convenient for workers.

Scanflow is an AI scanner on smart devices for data capture and workflow automation. It captures any form of data from Texts, IDs, Numbers, Barcodes, and QR codes. Scanflow Intelligent text capture efficiently scans codes, numbers, or serial numbers from tire sidewalls at any condition and provides real-time insights from the data captured. It captures and stores any type of tire information such as serial number, tire size, width, aspect ratio, and manufacturer details.

Scanflow is an AI scanner on smart devices for data capture and workflow automation. It captures any form of data from Texts, IDs, Numbers, Barcodes, and QR codes. Scanflow Intelligent text capture efficiently scans codes, numbers, or seria Apart from capturing identifying tire information, Scanflow helps workers to complete their workflow by providing them the information such as if there is any replacement needed for the tires, its maintenance status, or if the tires are fit to be moved to production. The data captured from the tires are stored completely offline with secure data encryption.

Scanflow can be integrated into any existing application on smart devices which runs on Android, iOS, and development platforms like Xamarin, React-Native, etc.l numbers from tire sidewalls at any condition and provides real-time insights from the data captured. It captures and stores any type of tire information such as serial number, tire size, width, aspect ratio, and manufacturer details.

  • Simplifies and automates end-to-end workflow operations.
  • Scans tires in any challenging conditions with high accuracy.
  • Increases the mobility & productivity of workers.
  • Saves time for workers to perform other priority tasks.
  • Easily upgraded from any development platform.

Leveraging manufacturing industries with innovative technologies will provide a significant competitive advantage to them. In recent years, many industries have started to adopt smart automated solutions in their workflows. This will mitigate operational costs and workers can have a productive work environment with errorless and more intelligible processes.

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