Problem Statement


Traditional oil and gas inspections are not only dangerous but also time-consuming and costly. Moreover, the industry faces challenges related to environmental conservation, such as methane leaks and emergency response in case of disasters.


  • Scanflow integrated with camera equipped drones help in comprehensive, safe, and efficient inspections.
  • Drones can reach heights and navigate toxic environments with ease, eliminating the need to put workers in harm's way.
  • Scanflow uses image recognition algorithms to identify and scan various components, equipment, and structures.
  • Scanflow matches and compares the objects with a database and their specifications. This ensures that they are accurately identified during the inspection.
  • As drones can quickly reach high and remote locations Scanflow analyzes the captured data in real-time, looking for defects in equipment, pipelines, or infrastructure.
  • It can detect issues such as corrosion, leaks, structural damage, or other safety concerns which cannot be carried out manually.
  • It helps with cost savings, extended operational uptime, and increased profitability.

Business Benefits



Improved data accuracy reducing manual errors


Enhanced operational efficiency


Increase in cost savings by reduced clean-up costs


Faster inspection turnaround times


  • Scanflow integrated with drones offers a comprehensive solution to many of the industry's long-standing challenges, making inspections and maintenance safer, faster, and more cost-effective.

Success Stories


Smart Data Capture with Drones – Everything you need to know about Drone Scanning

Drone scanning is a relatively new technology that can potentially revolutionize the

2 Mins read

Jun 10, 2023

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Taking scanners to the Sky- All you need to know about Drone Scanning

In today’s world, drones have progressed as a technological headway that helps businesses to utili...

2 Mins read

Feb 13, 2023

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Solution Five

How do drones benefit safety in the oil and gas industry?

Drones can access hard-to-reach areas and high-risk zones, reducing the exposure of personnel to potential hazards during inspections and maintenance. 

What types of data can drones collect in the oil and gas industry?

Drones can capture various data, including high-resolution images, thermal imagery, gas leak detection, and environmental monitoring data. 

How do drones enhance efficiency in the oil and gas industry?

Drones streamline inspections, maintenance, and data collection processes, enabling quicker decision-making, reduced downtime, and lower operational costs. 

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